Discussion Topics
- Why are black people still oppressed?
- What does it mean to be a woman?
- How do people become atheists?
- Is racism really real?
- Why are black women angry?
- LGBT...
- Why are there so many hypocrites in the church?
- Are black people cursed?
- Female Masculinity versus Male Femininity...
- Should we trust our hearts?
- Genders and Transgender...
- School shootings...
- Why are older women not teaching younger women?
- Human sacrifices...
- Violence in Democrat cities...
- Modern women are croissants...
- Sorcery and the effects of it...
- Trick, Treat, or Sucka?
- Is sexual abuse in childhood/adulthood a doorway to homosexuality?
Let's Form A Dialogue
- Blacks are not African Americans...
- Truth versus Lie...
- Can people be influenced?
- Should people live together before marriage to get to know each other?
- Why is using the 'N-word' so offensive?
- Progressives and the deadly thinking of modern-day Sadducees & Pharisees...
- Tolerance over Truth and its view?
- Gay sports players in the leagues...
- Promiscuity after rape/abuse...
- Business-minded but single-handed...
- Black leaders and organizations...
- Why is it hard to be alone?
- Does real really recognize real?
- Integrity versus Money...
- Are women broken or scorned?
- Can single mothers play a role in male sons becoming homosexuals?